The attachment of the upper end of the iron wire allows the pendulum to swing with equal freedom in any direction. 铁丝顶端的连结装置保证悬摆能在任何方向上同样自由地摆动。
Equal access, equal opportunity, and the freedom to make of our lives what we will are principles upon which our Nation was founded, and they continue to guide our efforts to perfect our Union. 条件公平、机会均等以及自由按照个人的意愿生活,都是我们立国的根本,并将继续指引我们努力成为更完美的联邦。
The law states that women enjoy equal freedom in marriage and divorce, and the relations between husband and wife are equal. 法律规定,妇女享有平等的结婚和离婚自由权,在夫妻关系中男女平等。%$
This process accompanies with a basic value orientation, and this is the equal freedom. 这个过程伴随着一个基本的价值取向,这就是平等的自由。
On the other hand, liquid assets equal freedom, as my old dad used to say. 另一方面,流动资产代表自由,正如我老父亲以前常说。
Because modern society continues to be a patriarchal world in which women struggle for an equal share in freedom and status. 因为现代社会仍然是一个女性为争取自由和平等地位而斗争的社会。
Equal freedom does not mean average possession of wealth, and labor is the fundamental way to possess wealth. 平等的自由权利并不意味着平均占有财富,劳动是个人占有财富的基本方式。
Aming at raising particular transaction efficiency, civil law stresses equal opportunities and economic freedom and pursues individual interests as many as possible. 民法强调机会公平、经济自由,着眼于增加个别交易效率,追求个体利益最大化;
The equal freedom and constitutionality that was founded during the Age of Enlightenment of human civilization and insisted and safeguarded by Marxism is the Zeitgeist of modern life. 从人类文明启蒙时代确立起来的、并为马克思主义所坚持与捍卫平等的自由精神和法治精神是现代社会的时代精神。
As Internet interacts with the audience, newspaper comments therefore have a equal, freedom, broad audience environment; 互联网与受众的互动,形成了报纸评论平等、自由、广泛的受众环境;
Meanwhile, this text analyses equal opportunities and educational freedom of right of receiving education. 同时,本文还分析了受教育权中的教育机会均等和教育自由等具体问题。
Migrate freedom, acceptance education, equal vote and association freedom are the base rights. 迁徙自由、接受教育、平等选举、结社自由就是这样的基本权利。
During the feminist movement, American women tried to obtain equal opportunity in education, equal rights in workplace, and their reproductive freedom and health care rights. 这场运动期间,美国妇女争取获得了教育的平等机会、就业的平等权利以及生育自由和医疗保健权利。
The dissertation makes research on this theory from the view of ethics-economics ( humanity, virtue, competition, market system) and sociology-politics ( equal freedom, the relationship between individual and the state). 论文从伦理学经济学(人性,道德,竞争,市场机制)和社会学政治学(同等自由,个人与国家的关系)的角度,对该学说进行思想观念上的重点考量。
The theory of equal is based on the mutual relationship of freedom and equality in political philosophy. 本文开头以政治哲学中自由与平等相互间关系为引语,目的在于指出平等权的最初渊源。
Two properties of electronic contract protocol are pointed out, which are the both sides 'equal position and the freedom of valid electronic contract evidence. Based on the two properties, a new practical electronic contract protocol is proposed, which fairness is systematically analyzed. 在充分考虑了公平电子合同协议两个特性即合同双方地位的平等性与有效合同证据的自主性的基础上制定了一个新的公平电子合同协议,并对协议的公平性进行了系统分析。
In addition, not all the press over the world share equal freedom and independence, for Western information and communication policies dominate the world. 再加上,西方的信息和传播策略正主导着当今世界,所以并不是所有的媒体都拥有完全平等的自由和享有同等的独立。
These principles can be taken as equal viewpoints of freedom. 这些基本原理可以称为平等的自由观。
Influenced by the popular liberal democracy in America in the 1960s, American feminists initiated "New Women Movement" for the equal rights and the freedom of women. 20世纪60年代受自由主义思潮影响,美国女权主义者为推进妇女解放,争取平等权利,掀起一场“新女权主义运动”。
All the civilities have equal child-bearing right which includes the freedom of bearing. 所有的自然人都平等地享有这种权利。
The theory of social Darwinism was founded by Herbert Spencer. Its basic theory includes: the social organism, social evolution and the law of equal freedom. 社会达尔文主义由赫伯特·斯宾塞创立,其基本理论包括:社会有机体论、社会进化论和同等自由法则。
After the market practice contemporary China, the position of the people have high low, this does not equal status of freedom from the state was far away. 经过市场化实践的当代中国,人的地位有高有低,这种不平等的状态离自由的人的状态还很远。
The second aspect of equal importance for our contemporary society, Rawls presents us with two major principles of equal justice, freedom and equality principles of the First, citizens. the other is the difference between principles and the principle of equal opportunities. 第二个方面说明平等对于我们当今社会的重要性,罗尔斯给我们提出了实现平等的正义的两大原则,一是公民的自由平等原则,另外一个是差别原则和机会均等原则。
At the same time, men should not take women as the second sex or appendixes as they did in the past. They should consider women as independent individuals equal to them, respect their freedom and choices. 同样,男性也不能再像过去那样视女性为第二性或附庸:应该将女性视为与自己平等的独立个体,尊重女性的自由和选择。
From the ethical perspective, justice contains an equal right to freedom, as well as the most common ethical standards under specific social and historical conditions. 正义的含义广袤,制度伦理视角下的正义则蕴含着平等的自由权利,以及具体社会历史条件下公众最普遍的伦理道德标准。
The media that pays equal attention to freedom and responsibility is the one which really responsible for the public. 自由与责任并重的媒体才是真正对公众负责任的媒体。
Dialogue between teachers and students in teaching is equal, freedom, respect, trust, and further cultivate the students 'consciousness of equality. 对话教学中师生是彼此平等、自由、尊重、信任的关系,进一步培养了学生的平等意识。
Public reasons are the reasons of citizens who share equal rights and freedom. They are done by means of public inferring and public discourses aiming at public interests. 公共理性是享有平等自由权利的公民的理性,它以公共推理和公共辩谈为手段,它的目标是公共利益。